On April 8, Taher Shah launched his song ‘Mankind’s Angel’, and the mankind didn’t know what to do with it.
The song, which was dedicated to his son, was an instant ‘hit’, for lack of a better word.
With millions of views in just two days since its release on YouTube, the news was picked up by many international news organisations, all of which appeared understandably confused but explosively happy.
People were aghast when Taher Shah released ‘Eye to Eye’ in 2014. While everyone agreed that this was the most ridiculous monstrosity to ever appear in public, we all knew that this was a one-off. Surely, it is not humanly possible to replicate this level of self un-awareness.
But with ‘Mankind’s Angel’, Shah has laid claim to being more than a one-hit wonder. He is truly a phenomenon.
But this time around, Shah chose not to be available to everyone for interviews. He chose to be featured only on the top TV channels of the country. Pakistan Today was also able to get in touch with Taher and ask him what makes him tick.
He said he is a businessman by profession, but has a deep love for music: “My passion for music makes me a passionate singer,” he said, and added that he does none of it for money or the fame but only for his fans.
The philosophy behind ‘Angel’ is very optimistic. Taher said it is about how every man can be an angel to make the world beautiful.
“I am a believer in positivism and a patriotic and proud Pakistani,” Taher said speaking exclusively to Pakistan Today.
Talking about the negative feedback on his songs, he feels that Pakistan is better than this, “Such negative things don’t exist in our country,” he asserts, “We have to take criticism on a positive note and with more dedication and concentrate on the future.”
He is as encouraged about the music of Pakistan as he is about its people, “Our beloved country, Pakistan always portrays positive image of mankind and the country’s situation is better than before,” he said.
He wonders why people aren’t producing as much music as they should, with so many platforms available to put their art work forward, “Our music industry is strong, established many decades ago, huge masses of the universe follow it, which is the hallmark of our music”.
“Although now a days we are not producing much new talent. Pakistani new talent has the potential to showcase their good work on the world platform just like the Angel song which gives the message of love, respect, humanity and spreads it throughout the world.”
Shah believes he has introduced people to a unique style. He says people shouldn’t shy away from who they are, as they will be appreciated for whatever they are, “I have created my own style of work which is new and unique. Hence, my fans admire it and mention their true love towards my work through thousand of emails and messages. They have also tagged me as King of Social Media and it humbles me. MY FANS ARE MY REAL SOUL. Lovable people who appreciate my invented work.”
The location where the song was filmed is beautiful but Shah does not want to reveal the details yet, “Angel song’s production is a professional art work invented by me and its depiction belongs to beautiful nature,” he puts it simply.
He is not done yet, he says he will come back with even bigger and better things in future, already in cahoots with Hollywood and Bollywood, he says, “My new project will again surprise all. However it is too early to predict its release timing,” he concludes.
Watch the song here:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoCrbuM8wmc]
To learn more about the philosophy behind the song and the lyrics, check out Taher’s website: