The beloved Pakistani comedian Jawad Bashir, lesser known for his directorial debut Maya, is all set to turn our stomachs upside down with his next, ‘Teri Meri Love Story’, revealed during a meet and greet session held in Lahore.
Javed Bashir during the event told the media that is aim was to entertain his audience be it Maya or TMLS, “People said why did I make a horror movie when I could have made a comedy one, now you have it,” he stated.
Bashir feels that comedies are very important for Pakistan, “What we as a nation are going through, we need laughter in our lives,” he said while talking to Pakistan Today.
Teri Meri Love Story (TMLS) is a romantic comedy which revolves around a love triangle between Esha, Ramis & Nael. The movie is written, Ahmed Abdul Rehman.
TMLS will also be the first in-house production of Summit entertainment, who has successfully distributed movies all over Pakistan up till know and are not venturing into production.
The star cast includes the stalwarts of Pakistan’s entertainment industry.
The synopsis of the movie as revelled is, Esha (Ushna Shah), a beautiful, stylish TV host who is on an adventurous shooting assignment is accompanied by her shooting crew and friends, the goofy and mischievous Sherry (Mohsin Abbas), Uzma Khan and Danish (Ahmad Abdul Rehman). Esha wants to marry her true love Ramis (Omer Shahzad) but her father (Salman Shahid) is adamant that she marries her childhood family friend Nael (Mohib Mirza). TMLS follows the trio’s adventurous and hilarious journey to finding true love.
“There might be more than one love triangle in the film,” said Mohsin Abbas. Mohib disclosed that there would be many surprises in the form of cameos in the film.
The movie is set to be shot against the breathtaking backdrops of Naran Valley & lake Saif-ul-Muluq. “For the first time in Pakistan, aerial lens and anamorphic tools would be used for the shot,” Bashir told the press.
A spokesperson for Summit Entertainment Mr Waryyam Iqbal highlighted that Summit Entertainment is committed to promoting a soft image of Pakistan by bringing such movie ventures and provide various opportunities to promote young talent.
The music is done by prominent Shoaib Mughal, Talha Ansar, Qaiser Tipu, Ahsan Pervaiz, Saman, Ruba Khan, Hasaan Abbas.
Jawad says that all aspects of the movie would be done in Pakistan. From its shot to post production as he believes Pakistan has everything, it needs to produce a good movie. is sure to set Pakistan film industry on a new course. Filming is expected to start soon, with a release date pencilled for fall’2016. “I think at the pace we are going within a year or two Pakistan’s film industry would be a strong one,” said Bashir while talking to Pakistan Today.
With so much talent on board, we can’t wait for the film to be released.